A Cancer Journey Lament Based on Psalm 13
Glimpses of God's Glory in the Furnace of Affliction: The author traces her eight months' cancer journey: how she lamented, cried out to God and experienced amazing answers to prayers for her healing. Readers are encouraged to glorify God in spite of any trials, sickness or pain they might experience during their lifetime.


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This book is a devotional journal for expectant mothers based on Psalm 139, where God tells us how He supervises every detail of our creation in the womb. As she reads the devotional section related to each stanza and verse of this psalm, the expectant mother is encouraged to pray for her unborn child, ponder God's knitting of that child in her womb and then write her own thoughts about her preborn child in the journal spaces provided. Show More...At the end of each chapter, there is a box with Scriptures to study along with suggestions and questions to include in the journaling. There is space to include pictures of any ultrasound(s) of the baby in the womb as well as a picture of the newborn infant....Show Less


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This book for Christian teachers can be used as an aid to help teachers internalize the truth of God's Word to integrate it into all areas of school life and curricula. It can be useful as a Christian teacher's personal devotional or meditation each day or it can be used for staff discussions to help grow teachers to know how, by the power of the Holy Spirit, working through the Word to incarnate God's will and Word into their daily teaching. Show More...Each short chapter is followed by a 'Head, Heart and Hands' section with questions and suggestions to move us from knowing the Bible in our heads to our hearts, as we embrace its teaching with love to God and our neighbor, our closest neighbors being our students, parents and colleagues. It will help Christian teachers to disseminate the truth of God's Word with a biblical set of glasses in all areas of the curriculum. ...Show Less


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This little meditation on Psalm 71 is designed to be used as a one month devotional for seniors, those who give them pastoral care or for family members who are walking through a terminal illness with one of their loved ones. A chapter is devoted to each verse of the Psalm, concluded by suggested Scripture passages which complement or are related to one of the six stanzas being examined. Show More...Interspersed are events, answers to prayer or real-life situations in the author's life that illustrate the relevant Scripture passages. The theme of the Psalm is: 'I will always have hope and praise you more and more' because the Christian's hope is Yahweh, the great I Am. May God's Holy Spirit give great hope and encouragement to seniors and their caregivers who meditate upon this psalm. ...Show Less


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This is a book about certain events in WW II, written by the daughter of a Dutch couple who served in the underground, fighting against the Nazi regime in occupied Holland. The author has written the story of her parents whose underground engagement consisted of resisting the German Wehrmacht in every possible way. Show More...Because her father did not want to work as a policeman for the Nazis, his mother, father and seven siblings were sent to concentration camp Vught in southern Holland. Prisoner 7058, one of the author's uncles and younger brother of her father, wrote about the family's experiences in this concentration camp. The author has translated her uncle's book and incorporated it into this larger book. Part II describes the early immigrant life of the author and her parents as they came to British Columbia in 1951 to seek freedom and peace in the land of their liberators, the Canadian soldiers who fought so bravely to free Holland from the Nazi regime. ...Show Less


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This little booklet consists of 50 questions and answers that explain God's plan of salvation from creation to the new creation. It contains The Lord's Prayer, The Ten Commandments The Apostles' Creed and a list of suggested Bible memory passages that are basic requirements for children and adults. Show More...The questions and answers read like a story (God's Story) and can be used as a tool to lead people to know God in Jesus Christ. The booklet is available not only in English but in French, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin and Tagalog and has been used by mission trippers all over the world. ...Show Less


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This book explores God's wisdom in marital love. In the first section (Part I), the author begins with God's creation of marriage and how we try to imagine on the basis of Scripture how it was to be lived out before sin entered the world. Show More...Then she looks at the marriages of the patriarchs, the early kings of Israel and the prophets. Part II takes an in depth look at the Sobng of Solomon as the love story unfolds. Part III is an examination of the meaning of marriage from the New Testament vantage point. The author intersperses personal examples throughout as she has experience3d God's wisdom lived out in her own marriage. ...Show Less


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This book is a Journal/Meditation on three Psalms: 42, 43 and 63 with a conclusion based on John chapter 4. God often brings His people to the end of themselves, having nowhere to go but to the living God. Only God can fully satisfy our deepest yearning since He has place eternity in our hearts. Our hearts are restless until we quench our thirst and find rest in Him. The book ends with the picture in Revelation 22 where we can freely drink from the water of the pure river of life where God's people will be fully satisfied in Him.



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Truth is intended to be internalized.
When we meditate upon Scripture, God’s truth moves from our head to our hearts and then we live it out in our daily lives. That is what happens in this book: we learn to meditate upon Psalm 103 and as a result we praise God with our entire being. After each verse in this acrostic poem is explained, a HEAD, HEART and HANDS section follows, where the truth of God’s Word is examined intellectually by our minds, appropriated in our hearts by the Holy Spirit and finally lived out by our hands in our day to day actions. In this way, the Scriptures incarnate as we digest them and live them out as our sacrifice of worship.

May we all learn to meditate upon these things and give our lives fully to the Truth, Jesus Christ, Who incarnated the Word for us perfectly so we could go and do likewise in the power of the Holy Spirit.

This book can be used in small group Bible Studies to teach those who want dig more deeply into the Word of God the skill of how to meditate upon the Scriptures.



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A Little More About Us

Johanna Campbell is an author, speaker and teacher who lives in Abbotsford, British Columbia.
Look for more books from her in 2025. She can be contacted by her email address: